The desks designed for the ‘ALONE TOGETHER’ are part of a larger commission for an office interior. The table designs combine five desks into one to combine different workstations within the office landscape. The design centers around the assembly of separate tabletops in various shapes held together by a framework of supporting legs in solid oak. The framework is assembled with the use of Japanese joinery techniques executed with the precision of CNC milling. During the design process we made use of cardboard scale models (1:20) that were cut out free-hand, by means of sketching out the object, and that were subsequently photographed and traced into vectors to keep some of the spontaneity of the sketched composition. The technical drawings were revisited using a 1:1 prototype in corrugated cardboard to check for proportion and its relation to the human body. Final drawings for the joinery followed a series of CNC cutting prototypes to check for material allowances and fit. Since the table tops were irregular in shape and size, their contours were projected onto plate material, and cut out and finished by hand using power tools. From the left-overs of the three main tables we made a table for the lunch room – cooking with left-overs is usualy the best.